Friday, June 29, 2007

Breast Cancer: Steps To Aid In Early Detection

I learned some interesting facts about breast cancer that I feel every woman should know. The sources I used for this article included the American Cancer Society, The National Cancer Institute, and the Avon Foundation’s Breast Cancer Crusade.

Early breast cancer isn’t usually detected by pain. In fact, when breast cancer first develops, there may be no symptoms at all. That is why regular exams are important. If you have anything that makes you suspect breast cancer, contact your doctor immediately. Don't wait around to see what happens. Let the professional decide. Some symptoms that may indicate breast cancer include, but are not limited to, the following:

Nipple discharge or tenderness

Lumps in breast and/or underarm area

Visual changes which include: size of breast including swelling; inverted nipple; and pitting. Pitting means the skin looks like the skin of an orange. Scaling of the breast skin could also be a symptom.

Early detection of breast cancer is important. There is a 97% five-year survival rate when breast cancer is detected early since this can help prevent it from spreading. Below are some guidelines to early detection. I hope they help save someone's life.

Get a Mammogram

A mammogram is a specialized x-ray of the breast to help detect cancers which cannot be detected by feel. Some women are confused as to how often they should get a mammogram. Here is what the professionals say about mammograms.

At age 40 begin getting annual mammograms by a licensed technician. A mammogram will take about twenty minutes. When getting a mammogram avoid wearing deodorant, powders, or cream under your arms. Sometimes they can interfere with the results. Make sure to contact the center if they do not inform you of the results within thirty days. It is very important that results are compared from one year to the next. Hence, be sure you know where your mammogram film is being held.

Clinical Breast Exam

This is an exam by a health care professional. Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and women 40 or older should have an exam each year.


Starting at age 20 women should begin doing a self-exam. Ask your doctor if you are not exactly sure how to do this or if you are not sure you are doing it correctly. Here are a few guides to follow: Lie down and place one arm behind your head. Using your three middle finger pads press firmly across your breast in overlapping dime-size circular motions. Use three different levels of pressure: light, medium, and firm. This allows you to feel the tissue close to your skin, to feel a little deeper, and to feel the tissue closest to your chest and ribs.

Move across your breast in an up and down pattern, starting from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone, repeating the pressure.

Stand in front of a mirror with your hands pressing down on your hips and look at your breasts for any changes in size, shape, contour, or dimpling. Also, do this with your arms slightly raised. Make sure you check under your breasts as well.

I hope that this information proves helpful to you. I am not a health care provider and by no means a professional on breast cancer. I am simply sharing with every woman possible the importance of detecting breast cancer early and some simple guidelines that might save a life.

My sources for the above information are:

American Cancer Society The National Cancer Institute Breast Health Resource Guide by the Avon Foundation's Breast Cancer Crusade

By: Donna Rivera-Loudon

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Cancer Worries For Diet Soda Drinkers

A new study on the effects of low daily doses of the artificial sweetener aspartame shows a statistically significant increase in leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer in rats. Consumer advocates are calling for the FDA to take another look at the safety of aspartame in light of the study, but the FDA seems uninterested.
"Because aspartame is so widely consumed, it is urgent that the FDA evaluate whether aspartame still poses a 'reasonable certainty of no harm,' the standard used for gauging the safety of food additives," said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. "But consumers, particularly parents, shouldn't wait for the FDA to act. People shouldn't panic, but they should stop buying beverages and foods containing aspartame."
The study, which can be read here, followed a group of 4,000 rats who were given low daily doses of aspartame (comparable to what a dedicated human diet soda drinker might consume, were he/she a rat) beginning during "prenatal" life. The rats were dissected after natural death and the effects of the aspartame calculated. From the study:
The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay not only confirm, but also reinforce the first experimental demonstration of APM's multipotential carcinogenicity at a dose level close to the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for humans. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that when lifespan exposure to [aspartame] begins during fetal life, its carcinogenic effects are increased
The authors of the study claim that current research on the effects of aspartame are based on studies that did not use a large enough sample of animals and did not allow the animals to live out their natural lifespan.The authors also took issue with a study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired Persons, in which a number of Americans responded to self-administered questionnaires about what they ate and the results compared to their rate of brain cancer.

The FDA responded to the CSPI in an email to Reuters, claiming not to have reviewed the study:
"However, the conclusions from this second European Ramazzini Foundation are not consistent with those from the large number of studies on aspartame that have been evaluated by FDA, including five previously conducted negative chronic carcinogenicity studies," Herndon said in an e-mail.

"Therefore, at this time, FDA finds no reason to alter its previous conclusion that aspartame is safe as a general purpose sweetener in food."
The CSPI has downgraded aspartame to "everyone should avoid," and recommends choosing drinks that contain Splenda instead. CSPI regards Splenda as safe. If you drink a lot of aspartame, or you have kids who do, you might want to read the study and decide for yourself.


Tennis Mom Betty Agassi On Her Breast Cancer Journey

Americans' risk of getting and dying from cancer continues to decline and survival rates for many cancers continue to improve, according to the American Cancer Society. That's encouraging news for those who are cancer-free, as well as the more than 10 million Americans living as cancer survivors.

In fact, the largest group of cancer survivors is breast cancer patients, who represent approximately 20 percent of all cancer survivors. Early detection and more treatment options have contributed significantly to these improved statistics.

But even for those living with breast cancer and celebrating survivorship-more than 2 million women in the United States-prevention of recurrent breast cancer is a critical priority. Breast cancer may not just come back in the breast: It can come back in other tissues and organs such as the stomach, brain and liver. Now more than ever, breast cancer patients are not only celebrating life, but focusing their attention on becoming champions of their own health.

In 2000, Betty Agassi, mother of world tennis champion Andre Agassi, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now six years after her breast cancer diagnosis, Mrs. Agassi focuses her energy on encouraging other breast cancer survivors to stay on top of their health and get informed about advances in the disease. As part of this commitment, Mrs. Agassi partnered with Novartis to launch an education initiative at the U.S. Open in 2006-Andre Agassi's last as a professional tennis player.

"I want women to get as much information as they can about what's new in breast cancer. Speak to your doctor; find out what new and existing treatment options are available and ask the right questions to help minimize the risk of your breast cancer returning."

Through this initiative, Mrs. Agassi is directing women and their families to, a Web site that provides information about progress in breast cancer treatment and tips for healthy living, which may help women to protect themselves after their surgery.

Mrs. Agassi recently sat down to discuss her own journey with breast cancer and her personal mission of educating other women with breast cancer on ways to reduce breast cancer recurrence.

Question: Obviously, this is a personal cause, one that lies close to your heart. Can you tell us more about your own experience?

Betty Agassi: In 2000, when my doctor told me I had breast cancer, I was truly devastated. Now, six years later, I feel great and have a good prognosis. But, that said, I know that there is a possibility of my breast cancer coming back. I'm lucky to have the support of my family, in particular, but I do understand that working to prevent breast cancer recurrence is part of my everyday life. Part of my journey and the reason I'm doing this is that I'd like to make sure that other women do the same.

Q: What is your most urgent message?

BA: Never stop learning, never stop questioning your doctor and never lose hope. It really is so important for women to understand that the breast cancer journey does not stop after initial treatment. I would think that any woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and gone through her treatment regimen would want to take any necessary precautions to make sure the cancer does not return.

Q: If you could offer three tips to those doing everything they can to minimize the chances of their breast cancer coming back, what would they be?

BA: Knowledge, communication and support are the keys to staying on top of your health and minimizing the chances of your breast cancer coming back. Staying informed about new and existing treatment options and knowing which options you may be a candidate for are vital. So, communicate with your doctor.

By: Stacey Moore

Breast Enlargement & Breast Enhancement Options

Although each culture has its own idea of what is erotic and beautiful, in the United States and other western countries, as well as many other parts of the world, a woman's breasts are undoubtedly her most prized physical asset. One need only to turn on a television, go to the movies or flip open a magazine for proof that cleavage and breasts reign supreme in America, Europe and most of Asia.

Unfortunately, a very large number of women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts. This can be extremely frustrating, particularly because the shape of the breasts can be difficult to alter.

If a woman is unhappy with her legs, she can exercise and change her diet. If she is unhappy with her breasts however, she may feel that her options for changing them are out of her control. However, that is not true - today's women are in a position to take control and enhance both the size and the shape of their breasts.

There are basically two effective options available to women today for enlargement and enhancement of their breasts:

1. Breast Augmentation Surgery
2. Natural, Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills

Other methods, such as massaging with creams or gels and exercises, are not really effective and do not produce significant results by way of enhancement of the breasts.

Breast Enhancement through Surgery

When people think of breast enlargement today, they most often think of surgery. In the 1950s, they may have thought of exercise or push-up bras. In centuries past, they may have thought of herbs like fenugreek and hops flower when thinking of breast enhancement. Today, most women think of implants.

The most common implants these days, of course, are filled with saline. Years ago, implants were usually filled with silicone. Silicone is now considered by most doctors and patients to be too dangerous to use. If a saline implant bursts or leaks, the salt water will be absorbed into the body without great harm.

There are four different surgical options for inserting breast implants:

1. They can be inserted through incisions in the creases underneath the breasts.
2. They can be inserted through the skin in an incision made around the nipple.
3. The surgeon to make an incision near the armpits, and inserts the implants through that.
4. The newest and most expensive technique is endoscopic surgery. In this procedure, an endoscope enables the doctor to insert the implants through a tiny incision in the woman's belly button. That breast implants can be inserted through a woman's navel is amazing, but true.

Problems with Breast Enlargement Surgery

Despite the widespread prevalence of surgery as a means for breast enhancement, there is no denying that the results are often less than satisfactory. Not only do implants frequently leak, necessitating further surgery, but they often just don't look very good. Capsular contracture frequently sets in, squeezing the implant and resulting in a hard, fake-looking breast.

After breast enhancement surgery, some women experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast areas. Loss of sensation results from damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This loss of sensation may be temporary, but it can also be permanent. The surgical technique used plays a role in this factor.

Another disadvantage of breast augmentation surgery are the very high costs, together with the potential risks of any form of surgery.

Alternative Methods of Breast Enhancement - Natural Herbal Pills

Herbal breast enlargement options are now becoming more widely available, as women seek alternatives to surgery. A variety of natural breast development products can be found on the market, including pills, powder supplements, and creams.

The popular herbal breast enlargement solutions are mostly in pill form, making them both portable and easy to ingest. Women who have tried natural breast enhancements have reported that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. The most successful amongst such pills is Breast Gain Plus. Breast Gain Plus has recently introduced a comprehensive breast enhancement system, marketed as Breast Actives, comprising pills plus enhancement cream plus breast exercises. This combination has proven to be highly effective and fast acting.

Although initially met with skepticism, these pills are actually producing some excellent breast enlargement results in women. There is a reason for their increasing in popularity and recognition - they work, and they work well on most women.

Of course, there are still many skeptics and disbelievers who refuse to accept that any pill can enlarge a person's breasts. They are the ones that say only surgery can enlarge the female (or male) breast. While a degree of skepticism is understandable, it is outdated.

The reality is that there thousands of women out there who have successfully enlarged their breasts anywhere from half to two cup sizes (and even more in some cases), by using a breast enhancement pill.

The key to success is finding the right pill with the right blend of herbal ingredients - such as Breast Actives .

Modern Breast Enlargement Pills

Today's breast enhancement pills use sound science, along with some ancient ingredients, to help enlarge and enhance women's breasts naturally, without side effects. They are much less expensive than surgery, as well as being much safer.

These pills are usually made of non-hormonal plant estrogen, or phytoestrogen. The phytoestrogen activates the prostaglandins in the woman's breasts. Prostaglandins, first discovered in the 1930s by Swedish scientist Ulf von Euler, regulate and communicate with glands. The phytoestrogens encourage breast gland growth, similar to the growth which naturally occurs during puberty.

Herbal breast enhancement can really be an excellent natural, non-surgical option for women desiring breast enlargement. Not only that, the pills can help put some extra padding on women who currently do have implants, to create a more natural look, feel and contour.

If you are one of the several thousands of women worldwide who are unhappy about the size and/or shape of their breasts, today you have a real non-surgical option available - Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus

By: Michelle Rodrigues

Michelle Rodrigues has been researching breast enhancement methods, both surgical and non- surgical, for the last 3 years. For information and details about non-surgical breast enhancement, please visit Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Do Natural Breast Enlargement Pills Really Work?

Both men and women prefer bigger breasts, that’s no longer an issue. Unfortunately, many women are unsatisfied with the breasts they currently have. The issue that is facing them now is, how can a woman enlarge her breasts without painful and risky surgery… which leads us to the question, “Do natural breast enlargement pills really work?”

As I mentioned, surgery is risky, despite the fact that it will give you the increase in the size of the breasts. Most women don’t like the idea of having to go under the “knife,” then the idea of having some kind of foreign object under their breasts.

Fortunately, there are now other alternative, natural ways of enhancing the breasts that have been put to the test by thousands of women around the world. This article is going to be looking into these natural breast enlargement pills.

All of these alternative natural ways of enhancing the breast to make them larger, and/or fuller, include the use of supplements or pills that are herbal, or certain suction devices that are put on over the breasts and worn for a period of time. There is also a hypnosis alternative, and many others.

It seems despite all these solutions, the most popular method of enhancing the breast is the use of natural breast enlargement pills. These pills are now being made and engineered and offered by breast enhancement companies that are making a fortune selling to the thousands of women worldwide who seek to improve the size of their breasts.

Now, do these natural breast enlargement pills really work is what you must be wondering… Many women who have taken any of these type of natural breast enlargement pills on the market right now have been complaining that they see no results after months of use. On the other side, there are a few who have actually seen results, although they may not be as satisfied as they had originally hoped.

To answer the question that you’re waiting to hear, the answer is yes. The truth is that yes, it is possible that using certain natural breast enlargement pills you can enlarge your breasts size without painful surgery. I am absolutely confident about this, as I’ve seen it time and time again. I have proof that no one can deny from dozens of women who have succeeded in taking these types of breast enlargement products.

Please don’t misunderstand me… there are plenty of products on the market that are just plain junk. “Buyer Beware” when it comes down to many of these supplements. A lot of these products actually do contain ingredients that do promote natural breast enlargement, however it’s the formula that’s in it that does not blend well with the body.

That is one of the reasons why it works well for some females but don't work quite so well for others.

That’s a big reason why a lot of females don’t buy the breast enlargement products from these companies… their thinking is really simple to understand…

Why would they buy a bottle of a natural breast enlargement pill that contains a poor blend of the ingredients for a couple hundred bucks when they can buy the more concentrated ones for as little a fifty bucks?

With that said, the next big question that is heavy on your mind is “Will this solution work for me?”

The honest truth is, with any kind natural breast enlargement pills you can never be absolute certain to 100% unless you give it a shot. What works for someone, may not work for the other. But how will you ever know if you don’t give it a shot?

Really, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain from it.

So, in closing, do the proper research prior to choosing what natural breast enlargement pills you’re going to go with. There’s a ton of free information on the internet right now that can help you out. Much of it is well thought out information that will aid you in your quest for natural breast enlargement.

By: Shanna Sullivan -

Article Directory:

Shanna Sullivan is an avid studier of breast enhancement pills and supplements. For more details on her most recommended products check out her website. Natural breast enlargement pills and resources can be seen here.