Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Researchers Seeking More Minority Women for "Sister Study" on Breast Cancer Risk

Researchers of a large breast cancer study of sisters are encouraging more minority women to enroll to ensure a diverse study sample and far-reaching results. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) plans to enroll 50,000 women in its Sister Study by the end of 2007. The study's purpose is to study breast cancer risk factors in sisters of women diagnosed with breast cancer. As of August 7, 2007, 39,176 women had enrolled in the study, 12% of whom represent minorities.

"During 2007, our last recruitment year, we are urgently requesting each of you or your organization to help us get 5 to 50 women to enroll in the study," the Sister Study website stated.

The largest study of its kind to study breast cancer risk factors, the Sister Study will follow participants for 10 years. Women who develop breast cancer will be compared with those who do not. At the onset of the study, participants will be asked to complete several questionnaires and provide a sample of their blood, urine, toenails, and household dust.

Currently, the Sister Study has enrolled:
2,531 African American sisters
463 American Indian sisters
335 Asian sisters
1,300 Latina sisters
5,329 senior sisters aged 65-74

By studying women who have similar genes and often share similar environments, researchers hope to gain insight into the causes of breast cancer. Women who meet the following requirements may be eligible to enroll in the Sister Study:
Be between 35 and 74 years of age
Live in the United States
Have no personal history of breast cancer Have a sister (living or deceased) who has had breast cancer

According to the Sister Study website, "through a range of questionnaires and samples from the participants, the 10-year study will take a detailed look at how women's genes, and things women come in contact with at home, at work, and in the community may influence breast cancer risk."

Women who enroll in the Sister Study will be mailed a study kit that contains study information, questionnaires, and material to use when collecting urine, toenail, and household dust samples. In addition, women will be required to participate in a visit by a female health professional during which time a blood test and other various tests will be administered. Paper questionnaires and a telephone interview are also required.

Additional Resources and References
Imaginis.com provides additional information about the Sister Study at http://www.imaginis.com/breasthealth/sister_study.asp
To volunteer or learn more about the Sister Study, please visit http://www.sisterstudy.org/ or call 1.877.4SISTER (1.877.474.7837). Deaf/Hard of Hearing call 1.866.TTY.4SIS (1.866.889.4747)

Friday, August 24, 2007

New Breast Scan Doesn't Squeeze

Surely, every woman who has ever had her breasts squeezed between two plastic plates during a mammography has thought, "There's got to be a better way."

There just might be.

An ongoing study being conducted by physicians at the University of Rochester and the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic is showing promise for a new technology called Cone Beam Breast Computed Tomography.

So far, the technique has produced breast images that are just as good as — and in some cases, better than —those taken with mammography with a similar X-ray dose but without the need for any uncomfortable squeezing.

And while it may not initially replace mammography altogether, it could add another layer of confidence to diagnosing suspicious abnormalities in the breast.

"We think at least 15 percent of cancers can't be diagnosed because they are hiding," said physician Avice O'Connell, director of women's imaging at the University of Rochester's Medical Center, co-author in the study.

That may be part of the reason why breast cancer remains the biggest cancer killer of women, after lung cancer, with 270,000 cases diagnosed and 40,000 deaths annually in the United States alone.

Finding diseased tissue is a challenge because each woman's breast differs in tissue composition. For example, cancer is somewhat easier to spot in breasts with lots of fatty tissue and more difficult to spot in breasts that have less fat and more of the fibrous glandular tissue that produces milk.

If a woman has a mammogram and the clinician spots something suspicious, the patient may be asked to undergo an ultrasound and then a biopsy.

In at least 75 to 80 percent of the cases, the suspicious masses turn out to be nothing to worry about, said Daniel Kopans, professor of radiology and director of breast imaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Kopans is not associated with the study.

On the other side of the coin, even the best mammographers under the best conditions will miss 15 percent of tumors, said O'Connell.

"It's like trying to find a snowman in a snowstorm," she said. "You can't see it until you come up close to it."

Cone Beam CT has the potential to significantly improve diagnosis.

by: Tracy Staedter, Discovery News

Monday, August 20, 2007

Anorexia and breasts

Anorexia, bulimia, or severe dieting will cause the fat to disappear from breasts, and that is why breasts of an anorexic girl will look very small, or shrunken.

When such a girl is recovering and gaining weight again, fat gets deposited back to the breasts. However, it won't always be the same amount of fat as was there before.

The milk ducts and glands shouldn't be affected - if they had already developed! But if anorexia hits while the breasts are growing ducts and glands, then that development will stop since the starved body will stop producing hormones that drive that growth.

With anorexia, it is hard to say how things will go afterwards. Most girls become fertile again and resume menstruation, or continue their pubertal development if it wasn't finished, but some girls never gain their menstruation and fertility back even after recovery.

The following letters show how after anorexia, breasts won't necessarily be the same size as before:Hi. I stared my period when I was 9 years old. Sadly, during 8th grade, I was anorexic and lost my breast fat. I am not anorexic anymore and am healthy so my breasts grew back. I am worried that I won't grow big as they are supposed to grow. Right now, the size of my breasts are the same size when I was in 7th grade...
I am an 18 year old female I just turned 18 about 4 mnths ago and I got my period when I was 14 , but then when I was about 16 years old I was anorexic for about a year, then I lost all the breat tissue I had and now I'm back to being healthy but I'm a 32 B , Is there anyway my breasts will still grow? My mom and every woman in my family had a 36B or bigger breasts, yet somehow I don't think mine will grow or they are taking long, or do you think my anorexia a while back had an effect on their growth?
hello! I'm 15 years old, and i'm really worried about my breasts. I started my period at age 9 and by that time my breasts were developing and also pubic hair. However pple teased me because i was overweight and i got depression and i felt very bad about myself. So by the time i got to middle school i decided to stop eating. At the time i was about 13 almost 14. I wouldn't eat much for a time then i stopped and only drank water. I was afraid to eat and I became anorexic.I would read the food labels and keep note of how many calories i consumed. I quit that after i began to feel numb and nearly had a heart attack and had to go to the hospital twice. Now i'm eating better and i feel better. Except, i don't know if not eating well for half a year could have affected my breasts and i'm worried that they won't grow anymore. I'm a 32A . When i had anorexia, my period did stop. But now that i started to eat again, it's back again.It's been about 8 months now that i have gotten my period. Will my breast continue to grow, or am I done? please help me i would really like to know.
When I was 14 I became anorexic. The anorexia stopped when I was 17. I noticed that my breast size went from a 34C to a 32A. I'm now 19 and am now at the high end of normal weight. However, I have a problem which is that the weight has gone to my bum, and not back to my breasts. Why are my breasts not growing back? and what can I do in order to help them get back the way they were. I don't want to put on any more weight as i'm at the high end of my normal weight range; any more and i'll become obesse.

Mostly this difference compared to earlier breast size would be because the breasts now have less fat. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell if the breasts will gain their previous size, or not, and if the duct and gland development was completed. However, if and when these girls get pregnant, the breast development during pregnancy will quite likely be normal.

If you have a story to tell about this, or have more information on how breasts are affected by eating disorders, please click here - scroll down to fill the form.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Racial Disparities In Breast Cancer Survival Persist

Racial differences in breast cancer survival increase according to stage of disease, a new study finds. Published in the September 15, 2007 issue of CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, a retrospective analysis of survival data demonstrates that within each stage, African American women had larger tumors and were more likely to have disease that had spread to nearby lymph nodes. After controlling for those clinical factors the racial disparities in survival persisted. The investigators say their finding that disparities in survival increased with more advanced disease was surprising and suggested that non-clinical factors contributed to survival differences.

Epidemiology studies have long showed significant racial/ethnic differences in breast cancer survival among U.S. women. African American women have poorer five-year survival rates, and more advanced disease at the time of diagnosis than white women. Whether these disparities are due to a difference between races in tumor biology or to socioeconomic factors that impact healthcare access and/or the physician-patient relationship continues to be unclear.

One key piece of evidence is that, stage for stage, African American women have worse clinical outcomes than white women. However, staging disease is complex, taking into account tumor size and regional or distant disease spread. Also, there can be significant differences in survival within each stage. For example, survival at the same stage can vary by 40 percent depending on the number of lymph nodes with disease.

Dr. Alfred Neugut from Columbia University Medical Center, Russell McBride from Mailman School of Public Health and their colleagues hypothesized that racial differences in survival within stage could be attributed to differences in tumor size and the number of lymph nodes with disease between the two race groups.

Analysis of clinical and demographic characteristics from 256,174 women with breast cancer (21,861 African American and 234,313 white) diagnosed from 1988-2003 showed that African American women were more likely than white women to be diagnosed with tumors greater than 2.0-cm and to have at least one lymph node with disease. However, racial differences in lymph node involvement were apparent only in tumors smaller than 3.0 cm.

After adjusting for tumor size and lymph node status as well as other known factors, such as age, African American women were still more likely to die from their disease. The mortality rate among African American women was calculated to be up to 56 percent higher than whites.

This study confirms 'statistically significant differences within stage between black and white women in tumor size and nodal involvement.' However, the authors conclude, "these differences are not clinically important with respect to survival over and above the standard AJCC stage categories."

The study also found that as stage of disease at diagnosis increases, so too does the gap in mortality between African American and white women. The authors postulate that 'the factors that prevent black women from receiving the same quality of care as white women may be exacerbated by the more complex treatment regimens used for more advanced breast cancer.'

By Article: "Within-Stage Racial Differences in Tumor Size and Number of Positive Lymph Nodes in Women With Breast Cancer," Russell McBride, Dawn Hershman, Wei-Yann Tsai, Judith S. Jacobson, Victor Grann, Alfred I. Neugut, CANCER; Published Online: August 13, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Breast Cancer Prevention Practices Vary Across Canada

Breast cancer preventive practices for Canadian women carrying the cancer gene vary across the country, says University of Toronto research, and many women are not taking advantage of the options available.

The study, published in the journal Open Medicine, followed the experiences of Canadian women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation a genetic mutation that predisposes them to a 87 per cent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Women carrying the gene have several options for cancer prevention including prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention and screening; however, researchers observed significant differences across Canada in the uptake of these preventions, with women in Quebec the least likely to use preventive measures.

"We were very surprised by the discrepancy in preventative measures taken across the country," says Professor Kelly Metcalfe, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, lead author of the study. "The benefit of genetic testing is that we can identify women at high risk of developing breast cancer and hopefully reduce that risk. Ultimately though, women have to elect to undertake one of the options."

In the study, 672 Canadian women were identified as carrying the genetic mutation. Followup questionnaires were completed after a mean of four years. Out of the 342 women without breast cancer after four years, 157 (46 per cent) had not undertaken any cancer prevention option such as a mastectomy, oophorectomy or tamoxifen or raloxifene drugs used in chemoprevention. Broken down geographically, 39 per cent of women with the genetic mutation in Ontario did not take preventive measures; 34 per cent in Western Canada and 62 per cent in Quebec.

"The numbers show a huge discrepancy, with women in Quebec being the least likely to elect for a preventive option," Metcalfe says. "This will have significant implications in terms of the numbers of cancers we see developing in this high-risk group. We still need to do more research to explain why these differences exist."

University of Toronto

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Scientists Create Breast Tumor Stem Cells

U.S. scientists say they've succeeded in growing breast cancer stem cells from normal tissue.

Since it is suspected that these types of cells give rise to cancer's spread, isolating them could prove invaluable in the fight against the disease, experts say.

"There has not been any publication to my knowledge that has demonstrated a way to isolate these cells from human patients and expand them, meaning grow them in Petri dishes," noted study lead author Dr. Tan Ince, an "independent signaling investigator" at Brigham and Women's Hospital and an instructor at Harvard Medical School, both in Boston.

The findings, published Aug. 13 in the journal Cancer Cell, should help provide a common platform from which scientists can study these so-called tumor stem cells.

Making sure that tumor stem cells are similar between labs is crucial to advancing cancer research, Ince explained.

"Confirmation of results of one scientist by other independent scientists is critical for scientific progress, so it's important for different labs to have the choice to use similar or identical cell stocks," he said. "If two labs have different results, it is not possible to know whether this is a real difference or simply because different labs are using different cell stocks," he said.

However, "Until now, most labs that study human tumor stem cells had to use their own stock of cells, because it has been difficult to grow them in the Petri dish," Ince said. "We think this is what we accomplished and hope that this will allow different labs to compare their results much more easily with each other in the future."

Ince conducted the research while a member of the Weinberg Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Whitehead Institute. Dr. Robert A. Weinberg, who discovered the first human oncogene in 1982, was senior author of this paper.

Recent research has suggested that not all cells in a tumor are created equal and that only some are capable of causing trouble.

"Tumor stem cells are cells that can initiate a whole tumor," Ince explained. "Experimentally, people have found that the vast majority, 99 percent, of the cells in the tumor cannot initiate a tumor in the next mouse. Only about one in a million does."

"You can imagine that if one of these dead-end tumor cells went to the lung or brain, they may not be consequential, whereas tumor stem cells are very aggressive and would be establishing a metastasis," he continued.

However, the work is cutting-edge right now, and not all scientists agree that tumor stem cells are at the root of most cancers.

Ince started out with the goal of making a mouse tumor that more closely resembled human tumors than those currently available.

"You want a mouse model that behaves like a human disease from the perspective of what genes are important to target and what drugs will be beneficial," Ince said.

To that end, Ince turned his lab into a sort of a kitchen and tried to improve the liquid media in which tissue is grown. The existing liquid media, he felt, was missing a number of vitamins, hormones and growth factors.

The final concoction contained 75 to 80 different ingredients.

"This took me close to two-and-a-half years. I had nothing to talk about all that time. People wondered what I was doing," Ince said.

But it paid off. He applied genes that had been used for years to transform normal tissue into tumor cells, and the tissue grew.

"The tumors looked much closer to what a human tumor looks like under a microscope," Ince said.

Then the Boston researcher noticed that the tumors he had grown in mice were growing in four to five smaller lumps, instead of one large lump, as is typical.

"That kind of pattern has been associated with metastasis in human patients, so that made me suspect that the tumors that I made with this new sort of cell might, in fact, have the potential to metastasize to distant organs," Ince said.

That's significant, because most tumor models used in the lab do not metastasize. In real life, however, it's these metastases that kill the vast majority of cancer patients.

Ince started injecting fewer and fewer cells into the mice and watching them for longer and longer.

"I still saw tumors when I went down to as few as 10 cells," he said. "Then I watched for 10 to 12 weeks, and I saw small metastases of several cells, micrometastases, in about 75 to 80 percent of the mice."

Ince realized that he had inadvertently created tumor-initiating cells.

The study also sheds light on how cancer cells evolve, the researchers said. Conventional wisdom has it that a normal cell undergoes a number of genetic mutations to eventually become cancerous. Now it appears that some normal cells are more susceptible to becoming cancerous in the first place.

Ince's culture medium, more than two years in the making, seems to favor the cells with high susceptibility.

In particular, this study may have implications for drug testing down the road.

"Until now, most of the drug testing had been done on standard tumor cell lines that only have very few tumor stem cells in them," Ince explained. "So, even if a drug killed 99 percent of tumor cells in a Petri dish, that would not have been a guarantee that this drug actually had killed any of the tumor stem cells."

But the new cells "will be much more useful to screen for new drugs that will specifically kill tumor stem cells [because a higher percentage are stem cells]," the investigator said. "The only thing in our way to test this hypothesis is a lack of funding that is particularly severe at this time, due to recent [U.S. National Institutes of Health] budget decreases."

SOURCES: Tan Ince, M.D., Ph.D., independent investigator, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and instructor, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Aug. 13, 2007, Cancer Cell

By Amanda Gardner
HealthDay Reporter
Copyright © 2007 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What is Paget's disease of the nipple?

Paget’s disease of the nipple, also called Paget’s disease of the breast, is an uncommon type of cancer that forms in or around the nipple (1, 2, 3). More than 95 percent of people with Paget’s disease of the nipple also have underlying breast cancer; however, Paget’s disease of the nipple accounts for less than 5 percent of all breast cancers (1). For instance, of the 211,240 new cases of breast cancer projected to be diagnosed in 2005, fewer than 11,000 will also involve Paget’s disease of the nipple (4).

Most patients diagnosed with Paget’s disease of the nipple are over age 50, but rare cases have been diagnosed in patients in their 20s (1). The average age at diagnosis is 62 for women and 69 for men. The disease is rare among both women and men.

Paget’s disease of the nipple was named after Sir James Paget, a scientist who noted an association between changes in the appearance of the nipple and underlying breast cancer (1, 5). There are several other unrelated diseases named after Paget, including Paget’s disease of the bone and Paget’s disease of the vulva; this fact sheet discusses only Paget’s disease of the nipple.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Back Massage

After Noah Chubb and Avery Dodwell interupt, Jenna and Rachel give Taylor "Bud" Weiser a back massage. It all goes downhill from there. Starring Matt Gilberti. Filmed by Ethan A. Shotts at the EIU Talent Show

Author: montana14
Keywords: Jenna rachel back massage taylor bud weiser matt gilberti chubb ethan a shotts EIU Talent Show downhill butt slap chase
Added: July 31, 2007

Super Sexy Japanese Girl Enjoying Thai Breast Massage HOT

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Ivon's massage

Ivon getting a massage and laughs

Author: AFSchick
Keywords: laughs and massage
Added: July 28, 2007

live free die hard downloaded clip mininova

a downloaded video this is a short clip of the film send me a massage if u want whole film and i will post

Author: shahboyz123
Keywords: live free die hard 4.0 clip trailer video downloaded mininova
Added: July 28, 2007

Ivon's massage

Ivon getting a massage and laughs

Author: AFSchick
Keywords: laughs and massage
Added: July 28, 2007

Ivon's massage

Ivon getting a massage and laughs

Author: AFSchick
Keywords: laughs and massage
Added: July 28, 2007

live free die hard downloaded clip mininova

Ivon's massage

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Celebrity Breast Sizes - Does Their Cup Truly Runneth Over?

Jennifer Lopez breast size: Modest B cup

Angelina Jolie breast size : C cup : Hate to break it to you, but these are probably real. Yes, she is genetic perfection in the form of a waif thin body and large breasts, I'm afraid.

Britney Spears breast size : Modest C cup (when she's not pregnant or is on the slimmer side)

Christina Aguilera breast size : Pre Breast Implants : A cup Post Breast Implants : Large C cup

Catherine Bell breast size : Large D cup : Not definitive that she has implants, but I suspect she was a fairly busty woman who also had implants, which is why this large breast size looks so natural on her, and yet she doesn't have a whole lot of sagging for such a large size.

Jessica Simpson breast size : Small D cup : Jessica Simpson is another celebrity that has been puzzled over as to whether she has implants. Some "experts" say yes, and some say she's natural. I just want to know how she lost all that weight and didn't lose a bit of breast size. Hmmm...

Jessica Alba breast size : Small B cup : Although Jessica Alba is one of those celebs that has worn many a push up bras and I suspect has also worn gel inserts to change cup size so drastically between films, you can tell she has a natural breast size of about a small B cup. She also has very little body fat, which accounts for her perfectly natural smaller size.

While many of us may not be happy with the appearance of our breasts, it is good to know that they do come in all sizes and shapes, and we can actually improve their appearance - whether it be increasing their size, enhancing the shape and contour of the breast, or adding to the perkiness, firmness and perfect beauty of the female form, if we are not happy with our current breast size and appearance. There are lots of ways to do this. Massage, exercise, supplementation and just an all around good diet are a few of the ways.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Breast Surgery for People with Breast Cancer

However before any operation takes place the surgeon will talk to you and discuss with you the most appropriate type of surgery for your particular case of breast cancer.

It should also be remembered that no surgery will take place prior to you consenting to it.

Where breast surgery is concerned the type of surgery that will be performed depends on the size of the cancer in your breast, whether it has spread to any other parts of your body and also personal preference.

However, if your cancer has already been diagnosed then your surgeon will talk to you about the type of surgery that you will need. Although there may be times when the surgeon can not make a decision on what type of surgery he carries out as they do not have a definite diagnosis on the type of cancer that you have. Therefore they may need to carry out a small operation to remove some of the lump in order to examine under a microscope before taking the rest out.

The types of breast surgery that you may have are as follows:

1. Mastectomy - Removal of the whole breast.
2. Lumpectomy or Wide Local Excision - Where only the lump is removed from the breast.*
3. Segmentectomy - This where just part of the breast is removed.*

*These second two options are also known as conservative surgery.

In some cases a patient who has had breast surgery for cancer may need to under go radiotherapy afterwards and this is particular true for those who have either a lumpectomy or Segmentectomy surgery. This lowers the risk of that patient having their cancer returning as it will hopefully kill off the rest of cancer cells if any left after the surgery has taken place. Whilst in other cases patients who have had a mastectomy may find that they are having radiotherapy to the lymph nodes above the collar bone to make sure that all cancerous cells have been removed. Normally the surgeon will discuss what kind of treatment you will have with the radiotherapist once the results from the surgery are back. Unfortunately not radiotherapy treatment can be planned until after the operation has been carried out.

There are many reasons as to why a surgeon will recommend a particular kind of breast surgery, but they will try their utmost to follow a patient’s wishes. In some cases some women would like to keep their breast at all costs, whilst others may prefer to have a mastectomy (because they feel that once the breast is gone the cancer will be gone also) or it is because the do not wish to have radiotherapy. In fact a great deal of research has been carried out and has proved that there is no difference in the outcome whether a patient has a mastectomy or conservative surgery with radiotherapy instead. In fact it has been found that both forms of treatment work equally well in treating breast cancer.

Breast Cancer And Aspirin

A new study suggests that aspirin may lower the risk of breast cancer.

Only one out of five women with breast cancer--versus one out of four without the disease--reported having taken aspirin at least once a week for six months or more. That translates into a 20 percent lower risk for the aspirin takers. Women who took aspirin at least seven times a week had a 30 percent lower risk. (The researchers didn't ask how much aspirin the women took each time.)

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) had a weaker impact on risk, but the study had few ibuprofen takers. However, a study last fall found a 20 percent lower risk of breast cancer among women who took ibuprofen at least twice a week for five to nine years, and a 50 percent lower risk in those who took it for ten years. It also found a 20 percent lower risk in women who took 100 mg or more of aspirin at least twice a week for five to ten years. Regular use of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or low-dose aspirin (less than 100 mg) had no impact on breast cancer risk.

What to do: Talk to your doctor about whether to take aspirin or ibuprofen regularly. Both drugs can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and peptic ulcer disease.

J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 291: 2433, 2488, 2004 and Cancer Research 63: 6096, 2003.
Nutrition Action Healthletter

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fibrocystic Breast Pain

Painful Breasts? You might have fibrocystic breast pain.

One third of all women will be diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts at some point in their lives. Fibrocystic breasts is a benign condition which should not be confused with breast cancer. Here are some tips to relieve painful breasts. You can reduce fibrocystic breast pain naturally.


1. Eliminate all forms of caffeine containing foods from your diet. This includes foods such as coffee and tea, chocolate, and soda that contains caffeine, like Coke. See Caffeine 2 for a list of caffeine content to popular beverages.

2. Decrease sources of estrogen from your diet such as commercially raised meats . These animals are often feed estrogen, especially chicken. Most poultry contain excessive amounts of hormones that are used to help them grow. Also, avoid prescription sources of estrogen such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.

3. Vitamin E, in doses ranging from 200 IU to 400 IU per day, may reduce symptoms associated with fibrocystic breast changes. Other vitamin suggestions include a B complex, and magnesium. There is now some concern that too much Vitamin E may become dangerous, so do not exceed the 400 IUs per day or consult your health care provider for their opinion.

4. Some people benefit from reducing their daily amount of sugar intake.


1. See your gynecologist if these tips don't reduce your symptoms, or if you have any questions or concerns about fibrocystic breasts.

2. If you use natural progesterone, once you have achieved relief of symptoms gradually taper your dose until you find your lowest effective dose.

3. Wearing a good support bra during painful times is helpful for many women. Visit a local department store with a bra-fitting specialist for a proper fit. Going bra-less will only make the pain worse.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Friend Added!

Massage Diary

How to do breast massage?

How to do breast massage?

Women's breasts vary considerably in texture and sensitivity to pressure. Hence, gentle strokes for those who are sensitive or have softer breasts. Moderate pressure may be more effective for those with firmer-textured breasts. A lotion or massaging oil can also help avoid friction, and lessen sensitivity.

Gentle-to-moderate kneading, rubbing, and squeezing strokes with the hands are enough to encourage increased lymph and blood flow to the breast. The breast can be kneaded and squeezed by contracting the palm and fingers of the hand.

1. To drain the lymph fluid from the breast, a common massage stroke is a gentle radial outward stroke from the nipple to the outer edge of the breast. This is done by applying light pressure starting from the centre of the breast and making several strokes outwards from the nipple.

2. Hold your breast. But, instead of squeezing it out, give it a twirling kind of motion. Rotate your hands (and thus the breast) in a clockwise motion, followed by an equal anticlockwise motion. Continue this for about ten times.

3. Open out your palms on the breast such that are facing downwards. Then move your palms downwards so that the fingers rub against the side surfaces of the breast. This should be avoided on the nipple, as it may spoil its shape.

A gradual feeling of warmth in the massaged area indicates increased blood flow to massaged areas.

To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a routine - perhaps when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist. Massage can also be done several times a day, depending on requirement and schedule.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Natural Breast Enlargement - Getting Dramatic Results

If you have always wanted to know more about this topic, then get ready because we have all the information you can handle.

Have you ever wondered if what you know about Breast Enlargement is accurate? think the next paragraphs and associate what you know to the newest info on Breast Enlargement.

Natural breast enlargement is an exciting phenomena that many women wanting better breasts are spinning to as alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. The first rule for superior success if you want to attain real and noticeable breast enlargement is to prefer the right product. There are a veer of cheap, watered down herbal formulas out there right now that are a disappointing closure to most of their users. Make sure you know the formula you take has at slightest a resonable success rate.

There is no one natural breast enlargement formula that workings on all women. Think of it as a medication. Not all medications have the same property on all people, therefore the thick variety of brands and formulas available. Every person's body is different, and their body will answer differently to herbs and natural breast enalargement formulas, and take different amounts of time to answer positively.

As we continue, we will take a look at how this new information can be implemented in very special ways.

Second, a good rule of thumb is to prevent any font of caffeine or drink - ESPECIALLY any font of fat burners or diet pills, as these will forever decrease breast size, because the first place we generally lose load is in the breasts. Same goes for carbonated beverages. Avoiding carbonation can enhance the property of a natural breast enlargement regime by not interfering with it's digestion and absorption.

Third, and perhaps most important, moderate to light breast massage. couple this with a good external breast enlarging and/or enhancing formula like a cream or serum, and this really helps to jerk start and push more breast hankie expansion. Many of these external natural breast enlargement formulas contain caffeine. This is OK! You only need to be fretful with avoiding drinking or intake caffeine. It will not move any results when massaged into the skin.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and Breast Enlargement experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much quicker to authority status when it comes to Breast Enlargement.

Next, try to argue a healthy, balanced diet while taking a natural breast enlargement pill. This helps to evaluate the hormones naturally, and will help promote breast evolution by intensifying the property of the breast enlargement formula. Hormonal imbalance is one of the main reasons breast pills may not work as effectively on some women, so don't take any chances, and eat balanced meals with plenty of protein if this is not how you are already eating.

Also, you may want to supplement your diet with 1000 mg of vitamin C per day. Vitamin C actually helps to extra absorption and utilization of natural breast enlargement preparations (of an herbal nature).

Lastly, try to keep your breasts as limitless from constraints (go bra-less) when possible. As with the light to moderate massage, this actually helps the breasts natural ability to increase in range by encouraging hankie expansion limitless of constraining contraptions which can act as an inhibitor to well cell reproduction.

It is very important to take a natural breast enlargement creation exactly as the maker of the creation prescribes. They know their creation the best, and they've formulated it to work a detailed way, so any diet supplementation, period of day to take it, or lifestyle modifications they suggest should be adhered to as thickly as viable to ensure you are liability everything viable to make the creation work for you.

There's a lot to understand about Breast Enlargement. We were able to present you with some of the proof above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

The next time you have questions regarding this subject, you can refer back to this article as a handy guide.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Breastfeeding After A Caesarean

Some women have mixed emotions after giving birth by caesarean section. On the one hand, they feel positive that they finally have their child, but on the other, the experience can be quite negative, as they feel that they haven't 'been involved' in their child's birth. It is especially important that mothers who delivered by caesarean begin to breastfeed at once.

Breastfeeding can begin within an hour of a caesarean birth. If you have had general anaesthetic you will feel groggy and shaky for about an hour or so and may need the help of a midwife. If you have had epidural anaesthetic you will continue to receive pain relief for a few hours after the birth. Either way, you will be feeling sore and will almost certainly receive some form of pain relief. The pain relief drugs may enter your breast milk but you should still breastfeed your baby, as getting the baby to latch on and feeding within the first few hours is of great benefit to the child. Homeopathic treatment that does not affect your baby is available. Discuss its use with your doctor and midwife before the birth. You'll receive advice on what form of homeopathic treatment is best for you and, by discussing well before the birth, the hospital will have plenty of notice of your wishes beforehand.

Feeding by lying down on your side or in a semi reclining position are the best positions to use immediately after a caesarean. You can place a soft pillow over your belly so that your baby doesn't kick at the incision. Having a pillow or two under you arm can also help to make you comfortable. It is important that you feel comfortable in whatever ever position you use after a caesarean, as feeding can take quite some time. If you breastfeed by lying down on your side, hold your baby on her side, facing you with her mouth facing the nipple. You should support your baby's back with your arm. You can offer your baby the other breast by simply placing her on your chest and then rolling over.

During the first few hours after birth you will receive help from your midwife and nurses. You are bound to feel sore and tired and will almost certainly need their support in helping you to move into a position you and your baby feel comfortable with. Your midwife will also monitor your breastfeeding, making sure that your baby is latching on properly and is suckling well.

Over the next few days you will be encouraged to try nursing your baby in an upright position. Don't be forced into this: go at your own pace. When you return home it is vitally important that your partner, family or friends give you support. After leaving hospital you will still need help to position the baby when feeding.

Nursing your baby frequently, and other forms of physical contact, are the best ways to establish the normal hormonal balance and closeness with your baby.

By: Robin OBrien

Monday, July 9, 2007

Women's Health - Top Five Killers

Imagine living without illness to slow you down. While there are no lifetime guarantees, enough scientific research has been done to make long, healthy living a possibility. To help women boost health, we list five medical conditions that are of great concern: heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and autoimmune diseases.

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women. In women, the condition is responsible for about 29% of deaths. Yet death in itself isn't the biggest problem for women with heart disease. The real trouble is in premature death and disability. There are far too many women dying of heart disease in their 60s. There are (also) women, who, for many years, are really ill with heart disease - being out of breath, not being able to walk up one glight of stairs ... because heart disease impairs their ability. The symptoms for heart disease are often typical for women.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the most cancer in women. It is second to lung cancer as the leading cause of death for women. Experts say the fear of breast cancer can sometimes be exaggerated, stopping women from going to their doctors for screening, or pushing women to make rash decision about mastectomy, when it may not be necessary. There's a lot of treatment for breast cancer. Women should educate themselves.


Osteoporosis threatens a lot of people, of which 68% are women. Osteoporosis is largely preventable. The behaviours that women develop in their childhood, in their adolescence, and in their early adult years really play a significant role in the development of the disease. That's because bodies build up most of the bone mass until age 30. Then new bone stops forming and the focus is on maintenance of old bone. It is never too late to keep bones strong and avoid fractures.


Depression appears to affect more women than men. About 12 million women are affected by a depressive disorder each year. Women need that sustenance, and if they don't have it, they tend to get depressed. Sometimes, hormonal changes can also trigger the condition. Statistically the healthiest adults are people in significant relationships. Adults not in nurturing relationships can reduce theri risk of depression by making efforts to reach out into the community.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are a group of disorders in which immune system attacks the body and destroys or alter tissues. There are more than 80 serious chronic illnesses in this category, including lupus, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes.

It is beleived that 75% of autoimmune diseases occur in women. By themselves, each disease appears to be uncommon - except for diabetes, thyroid disease, and lupus, but as a group, the disorders make up the fourth-largest cause of disability among women. It is not known what causes the body to turn on itself, but genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors are suspects.

Since autoimmune diseases are not very well understood, pinpointing specific risk factors is difficult. Symptoms can also be non specific, hampering proper diagnosis. However, if you know something is wrong with you or a loved one, it's important to becomean active health advocate. It's very common for women to make multiple visits to multiple doctors to finally get a diagnosis, but someone should take their symptoms seriously.

We examine five medical conditions every woman should be concerned about, to lead a healthy life...

By: Michael Douglas, Article Directory

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Breasts. An Owner’s Manual - Real Questions from Teen Readers.

Q. How big will my breasts get and what is normal?

A. There is no 'real' answer to this question, since we all come in different sizes. Some of us are tall and some short. Similarly, some girls have large, medium, or small breasts. However, many girls are unhappy because they think their breasts are too small or too large.

Attitudes about breast size are often influenced by fashion. From a health perspective, there is no ideal breast size. Breast size bears no relationship to breast cancer or ability to nurse a baby. There are surgical procedures available to increase or decrease the size of breasts. These are major operations and they should not be entered into without considerable thought and extensive information, as they have possible serious drawbacks and complications. Padded bras are safer alternatives for those who want their breasts to appear larger. There are also 'breast enhancers' that a lot of people on TV or in movies use now instead of surgery. They are available at bra stores and on the net. They look very real, BTW.

Also, remember that you have time on your side as breasts continue to grow, especially during puberty and pregnancy. Improving nutrition may also contribute to increased too.

Q. If your mother and sisters have small breasts will you have small ones too?

A. There is some genetic component to breast size. However, there are some health professionals that argue about this. It is not uncommon within one family to see sisters or mother and daughters with very different breast sizes.

Q. Are breasts just fat tissue? What I can do to make my breasts bigger?

A. Breasts are made up of fat and fibrous tissue with glands that enlarge during pregnancy to allow for breast feeding (see diagram below). When a women gains weight, her breasts usually get bigger. Exercise can enlarge the 'look' of the breasts, not by adding fat to breast tissue, but by enlarging the muscles beneath the breasts. This sometimes can cause breast tissue loss in some women because when they workout they lose fatty tissue. You know your body and how it responds to weight gain and loss after a while.

(Courtesy of Harper and Row Publishers)

There are no other effective non-surgical alternatives for breast enlargement, there are no known 'herbs' or supplements that health care providers will endorse for breast size increase. Surgical breast enlargement involves placing an artificial liquid (saltwater or silicone) containing device into the space between the breast tissue and the underlying muscle through a small incision under the nipple or in the armpit. If that is something you are interested in, talk to your parents and give it a lot of thought.

FYI: More than 150,000 women had breast augmentation surgery last year; an all-time high. At the same time, the number of teenagers who choose breast implants has more than doubled in the last two years. Do guys really care? It depends on the guy, but if he's really into you he shouldn't care about your breast size.
Q. One of my breasts is a bit larger than the other, is this normal? What are these bumps around my nipples?

A. A woman’s breasts are rarely symmetrical. One breast is usually slightly larger or smaller, higher or lower, or even shaped differently than the other. The size and characteristics of the nipple also vary greater from woman to woman. In some women, the nipples are constantly erect. In others, they will only become erect when stimulated by cold or touch. Some women also have inverted (turned in) nipples. Inverted nipples are not a cause for concern unless the condition is a new change.

There are hair follicles around the nipple, so hair on the breast is not uncommon. A nipple can be flat, round, or cylindrical in shape. The color of the nipple is determined by the thinness and pigmentation of its skin. The nipple and areola (the pigmented area surrounding the nipple) contain specialized muscle fibers that respond to stimulation to make the nipple erect. Within the areola the Montgomery’s gland is contained. These glands may appear as tiny, raised bumps on the surface of the areola. These bumps are normal. The Montgomery’s gland helps lubricate the areola. When the nipple is stimulated, the muscle fibers will contract, the areola will pucker, and the nipples become hard. (See the above image for reference)

Breast shape and appearance undergo a number of changes as a woman ages. In young women, the breast skin stretches and expands as the breasts grow, creating a rounded appearance. Young women tend to have denser breasts (more glandular tissue) than older women.

The size and shape of women’s breasts varies considerably. Some women have a large amount of breast tissue, and so they have large breasts. Other women have less tissue with little breast fat.

Factors that may influence your breast size include:
Family history
Weight loss or gain
History of pregnancies and breast feeding
Thickness and elasticity of the breast skin -- if
you have fair skin, you most likely have "thin skin".
Degree of hormonal influences on the breast (particularly estrogen and progesterone). Like when your breasts become larger when you have your period or if you take the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy.

It is important for women to become familiar with the normal anatomy and physiology (function) of their breasts so that they can recognize early signs of possible abnormalities.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Why Do Girls' Breasts Get Bigger?

There are many factors that influence growth of breasts. These include nutrition and genetics, both because of hormone stimulation. Breast growth is one of the important things that happens during puberty. The pubertal hormones produced by the pituitary gland (located in the brain and responsible for producing a variety of hormones), play a critical role. One of the earliest signs that puberty has begun is enlargement of the breasts as a result of increased production of ovarian estrogen stimulated by these pituitary hormones. Boys also often experience breast enlargement during the early stages of their pubertal growth spurt, but their breasts usually shrink in size after one or two years. As long as estrogen continues to be secreted in females, breasts will grow and/or maintain their size. Breasts may also enlarge slightly in women taking birth control pills or, after menopause, estrogen-replacement pills. Naturally, breasts enlarge during pregnancy as a result of marked increase in estrogen secretion. Girls with poor diets and weight loss may notice that their breasts get smaller. If these girls improved their nutrition, their breasts would enlarge to their previous size

Thursday, July 5, 2007

What You Need to Know About Herbal Supplements

We all know how the right herb can add new life to a recipe. And research indicates that herbs might have the same effect on us.

Today's popular herbal potions promise better sleep, less fatigue, reduced anxiety, even help in the battle against depression. And the herbal answers to these ailments are nothing new.

-->History of Herbal Supplements
Herbal medicine is rooted in ancient traditions. Texts dating back to 2500 BC speak of the ability of herbal remedies to restore harmony to an imbalanced, unhealthy body.

Garlic and juniper have been common medicines for about 4,000 years. Research suggests that Egyptians in the era of Ramses III used poppy extracts to calm children.

It wasn't until the 1700s that herbalists sought to identify the individual chemicals in the plants. Once separated from the plant itself, these compounds took on new properties. In the last 150 years, these compounds have been used to create pharmaceutical drugs.

-->Herbs Today
Today, herbal supplements comprise an industry all their own. According to a recent poll, about 60 million adults take herbal supplements. Proponents say they can help with everything from chronic illnesses to more mundane complaints, such as insomnia, headaches, and fatigue, even the common cold.

The category "herb" includes any plant with culinary or medicinal value. That includes the botanicals we associate with today's pharmaceuticals, as well as the herbal supplements we purchase, and, of course, the herbs we use to enhance the flavor of our food, such as garlic and sage. Today, the practice of a western herbalist primarily draws on 150 to 200 plants.

Because herbs are promoted as all-natural, alternative medicines, consumers tend to think of them more as vitamins than as actual drugs. But experts say these botanical remedies are just as—or more—potent, than their pharmaceutical counterparts, so it's important to exercise caution.

What's more, herbal supplements do not have to meet the same federal regulations that other drugs do. That means potency, purity, and safety are not necessarily consistent from brand to brand. It's important to talk with your doctor before starting to take any supplement.

Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, PhD., author of Kava: The Ultimate Guide to Nature's Anti-Stress Herb, recommends buying herbal supplements only from a well-known and trusted manufacturer.

"Herbal products vary in potency due to a number of factors, one of which is the original plant itself," she says. "It may have more or less of the active ingredients than other members of the crop. The extraction process varies, too, and may affect potency. A consumer interested in purchasing herbal supplements should do so on the basis of manufacturer reputation."

According to the International Food Information Council, the FDA has listed the following herbal supplements as "risky": Chaparral, comfrey, DHEA, dieter's tea with senna, aloe, rhubarb root, buckthorn, cascara, caster oil, penny royal, and sassafras.

Greenwood-Robinson says some of us should stay away from herbs altogether. "Anyone who is pregnant or nursing should avoid herbs. If there are herbs in the home, they should be kept out of the reach of children, just as you would keep medicines out of reach," she says. And she does not recommend herbal remedies for children.

Mothers trying to conceive should avoid echinacea purpura, St. John's wort, and gingko biloba. Recent research indicates a possible connection between these herbals and infertility.

Ask your doctor for information on dosages for herbal supplements, as well as possible interactions with other drugs. If the manufacturer is a trusted one, follow the recommended dosages on the label, and do not exceed them.

If the supplement you choose provides a dosage range on the label, always begin with the smallest dose, and stop taking the supplement immediately if you sense any sort of allergic reaction, which can range from hives to difficulty breathing.

-->Common Herbs and their Uses Cellasene "For health and beauty," Greenwood-Robinson says, "the big news in herbal supplements is a category I call cellulite-control supplements."

Greenwood-Robinson discusses the merits of this herb in her book, The Cellulite Breakthrough. Cellasene, Greenwood-Robinson says, contains a mixture of herbs with multiple benefits—one of which is to improve "microcirculation" in the network of tiny vessels in the body. Poor microcirculation is thought to contribute to the development and progression of cellulite.

"Sipping a cup of Echinacea tea may put cold symptoms on the run, or even shorten the course of a cold," Greenwood-Robinson says. Research shows that the herb is effective in stimulating the immune system for its fight against viruses and bacteria." Echinacea is potent, and many experts don't recommend it for prolonged use (some researchers caution against taking Echinacea for more than 10 days.)

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)
Hailed as a beauty herb, this supplement claims to help you grow healthy skin, hair, and nails. Other studies show it can help alleviate premenstrual syndrome.

Research shows that garlic may help improve cholesterol levels and protect against breast cancer. Long hailed as a natural antibiotic, garlic can stimulate the immune system, so it's a popular supplement among those wishing to ward of colds and bronchitis. Research suggests garlic may help prevent bacterial or fungal infections, including yeast infections.

Garcinia cambogia
Also known as HCA (hydroxycitric acid), this supplement is found predominately in a particular Southeast Asian fruit. The extract is similar to citric acid, and Greenwood-Robinson says it's a good choice for dieting and appetite suppression. "Scientific research shows it tames the appetite and may aid in fat-burning."

Like garlic, ginger is a culinary herb as well as a medicinal herb, so it is considered extremely safe. Experts say this herb, grown primarily in India, China, and Mexico, may help everything from chemotherapy suffering to painful menstruation. But it's best known as an aid for digestion. "It is a near-cure for nausea and works quite fast," Greenwood-Robinson says. "It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory herb that is effective in treating various types of headaches, as well as joint pain."

Gingko biloba
This is one of the most prescribed herbals in Europe. Its popularity has surged in the United States, as well. Experts say it improves blood circulation throughout the body. This enhanced circulation in the brain aids concentration and memory.

Both varieties of ginseng (Panax and Siberian ginseng) have a solid reputation for energy enhancement. This herb can be taken on a daily basis, but exercise caution. Possible side effects include breast tenderness and high blood pressure.

HTP (hydroxytryptophan)
HTP is a popular supplement in the United States for its ability to reduce anxiety, depression and insomnia. Some experts say this herb might help control obesity, too.

Kava Kava is also prescribed for everyday anxiety, as well as for painful menstrual cramps. Experts say it can help with insomnia, too.

St. John's Wort
The flower of this plant blooms around St. John's day, and when you squeeze the flowers, out comes a red pigment, which is associated with the blood of St. John the Baptist. In the United States, this herb is best- known for its ability to improve mood and diminish anxiety, and it is often prescribed in Germany for anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

Reminder: this article is a compilation of recent research on herbal supplements. If you think herbals are right for you, discuss the matter with your physician.

By: Susie Cortright is the author of several books for women and founder of Momscape.com, a website designed to help busy women find balance. Visit http://www.momscape.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

8 Fun Facts About Your Breasts

Let me share with you 8 fun facts about your breasts.

Fact 1. They can get out of shape from your sleep.
Sleeping facedown won't deflate your breasts, but it can make them misshapen over time. The best sleeping position is to sleep on your side, with a pillow under them for support as you sleep. I would recommend using lotion or cream daily to keep them in shape. If you would like to enhance your breast at the same time, use ANBES Nanotechnology Breast Serum. Free samples can be obtained at ANBES.com

Fact 2. About 2 million of women have fake breasts.
About two million women in the United States have breast implants, with 250,000 going under the knife each year. The average age of a woman who gets implants is 34, and 90 percent do it after they have had kids. Most women increase by 2 cup sizes after the implants. But not every women who underwent implants are always happy with the results: about 6% of women with breast implants return for a size adjustment or to have them taken out altogether.

Fact 3. Watch out, they can get sunburned even if you're not topless. Apply sunscreen lotion with a minimum SPF 15 plus UVA and UVB protection each time you hit the great outdoors in your bathing suit. Without it, premature wrinkling and brown spots most probably will find their way onto your precious pair. You can try out ANBES Absolution Protection cream specially formulated for breasts. Its properties can enhances your breasts at the same time! You can get more product info at ANBES.com

Fact 4. Cleavage is not Determined by Breast Size.
2 women with same cup size may not have the same cleavage. Woman's breasts that are fuller in the middle will have greater cleavage. Woman with only an A or B cup but with her breasts naturally set close together, can have nice cleavage too. In addition, if your body is narrow below your shoulders, you'll have an easier time creating a deeper valley between your 2 peaks.

Fact 5. They hate to bounce around.
Running and aerobics can cause your breasts to bounce around, inadequate support will result in breast sagging earlier, and breast pain the next day. Wear a sturdier sports bra that has underwire and molded cups, no matter what your size.

Fact 6. But the right exercise can give them a little lift. Regularly exercising the pectoral muscle in your chest can help to make
your breast perkier and create the illusion of cleavage. Push-ups and chest presses are your best boobs boosting bets.

Fact 7. Take them to see your Doctor at the right time.
Because your boobs are at their smoothest and least tender the week after your period, it's the best time to have your doctor check out any unusual lumpiness or swelling.

Fact 8. The left is usually larger.
No two breasts are exactly the same size, and it is usually your left breast that is bigger than the right side. However, often the difference is so slight, you'd never notice they are of different sizes.

Which Breast Implant Is Right For You?

Breast augmentation is surgery to enlarge and improve the shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation is usually sought by women who are not fully satisfied with the current size and shape of their breasts.

The saline-filled implant and the silicone gel implant are the two types of implants used today. The saline-filled implant has been the most popular choice for the past 15 years or so, but the silicone gel implant is now being recommended to many women. In 1992, silicone gel implant use was restricted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but in November 2006, silicone gel breast implants were approved for all women age 22 and over. It was originally thought that the silicone gel implants posed serious health risks such as autoimmune disorders and connective tissue disease, but those concerns have not been supported in medical studies of the silicone implant.

Two Types of Implants

Saline-filled implants have been the more common implant used for many years. Saline-filled implants are constructed of a tough, semi-permeable silicone elastomer shell with a single valve on the front (anterior) surface of the implant. The saline-filled implants come in smooth and textured surface and round or contoured shapes. Contoured shapes are also referred to as anatomical, teardrop, and biodimensional shapes.

Most saline implants are single lumen and are filled at the time of surgery. There are no prefilled saline implants with FDA approval at this time. Should these implants rupture, the body will absorb the saline as it is the harmless solution that is used in I.V.'s.

Ruptures in breast implants can happen, and although breast implants are made to be strong and stable, there are instances where they can break and the saline filer may leak and circulate throughout the body. If a rupture would occur, a saline breast would simply deflate, and the saline held within the implant would harmlessly absorb within the body.

This "safety feature" is just one of the many reasons why saline-filled implants have been the popular choice for so long. Saline breast implants are extremely versatile; they do vary in terms of shell surface, volume, shell thickness, profile shape, and ability to expand. Saline-filled implants are certainly a popular choice to a fix disproportion between breasts or to gain proportion within your body.

Silicone gel implants' outer shell is similar to that of the saline-filled implant in that it is made of solid silicone material; however, silicone implants are filled with silicone gel, which is a semi-solid material. In silicone gel implants, the surface may be smooth or textured (multiple fine bumps on the surface of the implant). There is some evidence that textured implants have a lower incidence of scar formation around them, but since a textured implant adheres to the surrounding skin, there may be visible rippling (wrinkling) of the skin. A textured implant also requires a larger incision due to the increased difficulty of sliding the implants through the surgical opening.

The silicone gel implant is usually inserted through an incision in the crease under the breast or just above it. The incision may be 3-6cm in length. An incision at or above the fold is often hidden by the slight droop of the breast and not seen unless someone is looking up under the breast. Silicone implants can also be inserted through an incision in the armpit, but this is much more difficult and more difficult insertions may cause damage to the implants.

Silicone gel implants have been known to leak through the shell. Rupture of an implant may be related to the length of time it has been in the body. Rupture may also be caused by force or traumas, such as a blow to the chest or a jolt from a car accident. Additional surgery may be required to repair or removed a ruptured breast implant.

Deciding to have breast augmentation surgery is a serious matter and one that needs to be discussed thoroughly with your cosmetic surgeon. Your options will be discussed thoroughly in the office at the time of your visit.
If you are interested in learning more about the types of breast enhancement surgery options available to you in Los Angeles or anywhere in California, please visit the website of the father/son Cosmetic Surgery Team of Drs. David Bray at Bray Plastic Surgery Medical Center, Inc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Fugaro

Monday, July 2, 2007

Why Breast Massage?

Breast Massage is a conventional way of enhancing your breast size. Using massages to enhance your bust size is doubly advantageous. While using breast massages have no side-effects, they also do away with the need of any surgery and therefore incisions in the body.

Further, no foreign body is ever injected into the body, thereby reducing the risk of any problems after a particular age.

Breast massage is a concept used by women in the east since centuries. It is a simple process which can be done in the privacy of your home. Secondly, it is a easy process and doesn’t take more than a few moments to accomplish.

The breast is made up of tissue and adipose fat. A firm and proper massage helps tone these tissues and firms them up. This gives the breasts a healthier and more natural look. This therefore leads to an enhancement and enlargement of breast size.

Other common problems like sagging breasts and inverted nipples can be easily combated by proper and precise breast massaging techniques. Finally, breast massages increase the tone and breast and the bust size. This will work well to increase the confidence of the woman, and she will feel good about herself.

The breast is an organ of the body like any other. Therefore, chances are that toxins and other harmful chemicals accumulate in it over time. This is especially true in the case of lactating mothers. Some lactating women also face engorged nipples, and therefore the milk cannot find a way out of the nipple.

This may finally lead to assimilation of the milk in the mother’s breast, which may lead to dangers like poison accumulation or lumps in the breast. Breast massages help in disgorging the breast.

Breast massages are seen as a prophylactic and diagnostic cure for breast cancer. Though there is no concrete proof about the advantages, there have been favorable indications.


Massaging the breasts is a simple process, and doesn’t take more than a few moments. Further, it can be done by the woman, and doesn’t actually require any outside help. Therefore, it can also be termed as one of the cheapest ways of breast enlargement and enhancement.

A suitable breast cream should be applied to the breasts before one goes for breast massaging. Various herbal creams have botanical ingredients which help in breast enhancement.

Breast massage is a simple four points program.

(i) Starting from the nipple, push downwards with the three longer fingers of your hand. The movement should be slow and almost graceful for better results. Be sure not to apply heavy pressure. The right trick is to maintain a moderate touch, but a prolonged contact.

(ii) Once the above step is done, then the breast should be lightly massaged with a kneading kind of action. Hold one breast with both your hands so as to cup out the breast. Do not apply heavy pressure; stop if it begins to hurt. Holding your breast in this manner, go on kneading it slightly for a while. Finish with one breast, and then take on the other.

(iii) The third step is most important to give a round firmness to the breasts. Hold your breast just as you had done in the earlier step. But instead of squeezing it out, give it a twirling kind of motion. Rotate your hands (and thus the breast) in a clockwise motion, followed by an equal anticlockwise motion. Continue this for about ten times. Then repeat with the other breast.

(iv) Finally, open out your palms on the breast such that they don’t cover the areola and are facing downwards. Then move your palms downwards so that the fingers rub against the side surfaces of the breast. This should not be done on the nipple, as it may spoil its shape. Continue this for about ten times per breast.


There are professional breast masseurs who offer breast massages. They have a peculiar technique, termed as the breast lift. In this procedure, the breasts are lifted skywards, while placing both hands on the breast, from the upper to the lower side. The breast is released when it is as full stretch. This action is repeated a couple of times.

Such a kind of massage increases the elasticity of the breast, and also helps release the toxins in the breast. The masseurs also pay special care to the pectoral muscles, located below the collar bone. Strong pectoral muscles are the foundation for suppler and healthier breasts.


Proper precautions should be taken before undergoing any self medication for the body. Breast massages are very simple process that can be done by the individual. However, it must be done with the utmost care. Improper breast massage can actually backfire, like damaging of the glandular tissues that hold your breasts upright.

Read more about the Breast Massage
Also read more about the Benefits of Natural Breast Enlargement.

By: Dr. Shawn Mutt

Friday, June 29, 2007

Breast Cancer: Steps To Aid In Early Detection

I learned some interesting facts about breast cancer that I feel every woman should know. The sources I used for this article included the American Cancer Society, The National Cancer Institute, and the Avon Foundation’s Breast Cancer Crusade.

Early breast cancer isn’t usually detected by pain. In fact, when breast cancer first develops, there may be no symptoms at all. That is why regular exams are important. If you have anything that makes you suspect breast cancer, contact your doctor immediately. Don't wait around to see what happens. Let the professional decide. Some symptoms that may indicate breast cancer include, but are not limited to, the following:

Nipple discharge or tenderness

Lumps in breast and/or underarm area

Visual changes which include: size of breast including swelling; inverted nipple; and pitting. Pitting means the skin looks like the skin of an orange. Scaling of the breast skin could also be a symptom.

Early detection of breast cancer is important. There is a 97% five-year survival rate when breast cancer is detected early since this can help prevent it from spreading. Below are some guidelines to early detection. I hope they help save someone's life.

Get a Mammogram

A mammogram is a specialized x-ray of the breast to help detect cancers which cannot be detected by feel. Some women are confused as to how often they should get a mammogram. Here is what the professionals say about mammograms.

At age 40 begin getting annual mammograms by a licensed technician. A mammogram will take about twenty minutes. When getting a mammogram avoid wearing deodorant, powders, or cream under your arms. Sometimes they can interfere with the results. Make sure to contact the center if they do not inform you of the results within thirty days. It is very important that results are compared from one year to the next. Hence, be sure you know where your mammogram film is being held.

Clinical Breast Exam

This is an exam by a health care professional. Women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and women 40 or older should have an exam each year.


Starting at age 20 women should begin doing a self-exam. Ask your doctor if you are not exactly sure how to do this or if you are not sure you are doing it correctly. Here are a few guides to follow: Lie down and place one arm behind your head. Using your three middle finger pads press firmly across your breast in overlapping dime-size circular motions. Use three different levels of pressure: light, medium, and firm. This allows you to feel the tissue close to your skin, to feel a little deeper, and to feel the tissue closest to your chest and ribs.

Move across your breast in an up and down pattern, starting from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone, repeating the pressure.

Stand in front of a mirror with your hands pressing down on your hips and look at your breasts for any changes in size, shape, contour, or dimpling. Also, do this with your arms slightly raised. Make sure you check under your breasts as well.

I hope that this information proves helpful to you. I am not a health care provider and by no means a professional on breast cancer. I am simply sharing with every woman possible the importance of detecting breast cancer early and some simple guidelines that might save a life.

My sources for the above information are:

American Cancer Society The National Cancer Institute Breast Health Resource Guide by the Avon Foundation's Breast Cancer Crusade

By: Donna Rivera-Loudon

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Cancer Worries For Diet Soda Drinkers

A new study on the effects of low daily doses of the artificial sweetener aspartame shows a statistically significant increase in leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer in rats. Consumer advocates are calling for the FDA to take another look at the safety of aspartame in light of the study, but the FDA seems uninterested.
"Because aspartame is so widely consumed, it is urgent that the FDA evaluate whether aspartame still poses a 'reasonable certainty of no harm,' the standard used for gauging the safety of food additives," said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. "But consumers, particularly parents, shouldn't wait for the FDA to act. People shouldn't panic, but they should stop buying beverages and foods containing aspartame."
The study, which can be read here, followed a group of 4,000 rats who were given low daily doses of aspartame (comparable to what a dedicated human diet soda drinker might consume, were he/she a rat) beginning during "prenatal" life. The rats were dissected after natural death and the effects of the aspartame calculated. From the study:
The results of this carcinogenicity bioassay not only confirm, but also reinforce the first experimental demonstration of APM's multipotential carcinogenicity at a dose level close to the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for humans. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that when lifespan exposure to [aspartame] begins during fetal life, its carcinogenic effects are increased
The authors of the study claim that current research on the effects of aspartame are based on studies that did not use a large enough sample of animals and did not allow the animals to live out their natural lifespan.The authors also took issue with a study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired Persons, in which a number of Americans responded to self-administered questionnaires about what they ate and the results compared to their rate of brain cancer.

The FDA responded to the CSPI in an email to Reuters, claiming not to have reviewed the study:
"However, the conclusions from this second European Ramazzini Foundation are not consistent with those from the large number of studies on aspartame that have been evaluated by FDA, including five previously conducted negative chronic carcinogenicity studies," Herndon said in an e-mail.

"Therefore, at this time, FDA finds no reason to alter its previous conclusion that aspartame is safe as a general purpose sweetener in food."
The CSPI has downgraded aspartame to "everyone should avoid," and recommends choosing drinks that contain Splenda instead. CSPI regards Splenda as safe. If you drink a lot of aspartame, or you have kids who do, you might want to read the study and decide for yourself.

By: Consumerist.com

Tennis Mom Betty Agassi On Her Breast Cancer Journey

Americans' risk of getting and dying from cancer continues to decline and survival rates for many cancers continue to improve, according to the American Cancer Society. That's encouraging news for those who are cancer-free, as well as the more than 10 million Americans living as cancer survivors.

In fact, the largest group of cancer survivors is breast cancer patients, who represent approximately 20 percent of all cancer survivors. Early detection and more treatment options have contributed significantly to these improved statistics.

But even for those living with breast cancer and celebrating survivorship-more than 2 million women in the United States-prevention of recurrent breast cancer is a critical priority. Breast cancer may not just come back in the breast: It can come back in other tissues and organs such as the stomach, brain and liver. Now more than ever, breast cancer patients are not only celebrating life, but focusing their attention on becoming champions of their own health.

In 2000, Betty Agassi, mother of world tennis champion Andre Agassi, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now six years after her breast cancer diagnosis, Mrs. Agassi focuses her energy on encouraging other breast cancer survivors to stay on top of their health and get informed about advances in the disease. As part of this commitment, Mrs. Agassi partnered with Novartis to launch an education initiative at the U.S. Open in 2006-Andre Agassi's last as a professional tennis player.

"I want women to get as much information as they can about what's new in breast cancer. Speak to your doctor; find out what new and existing treatment options are available and ask the right questions to help minimize the risk of your breast cancer returning."

Through this initiative, Mrs. Agassi is directing women and their families to www.ribbonofpink.com, a Web site that provides information about progress in breast cancer treatment and tips for healthy living, which may help women to protect themselves after their surgery.

Mrs. Agassi recently sat down to discuss her own journey with breast cancer and her personal mission of educating other women with breast cancer on ways to reduce breast cancer recurrence.

Question: Obviously, this is a personal cause, one that lies close to your heart. Can you tell us more about your own experience?

Betty Agassi: In 2000, when my doctor told me I had breast cancer, I was truly devastated. Now, six years later, I feel great and have a good prognosis. But, that said, I know that there is a possibility of my breast cancer coming back. I'm lucky to have the support of my family, in particular, but I do understand that working to prevent breast cancer recurrence is part of my everyday life. Part of my journey and the reason I'm doing this is that I'd like to make sure that other women do the same.

Q: What is your most urgent message?

BA: Never stop learning, never stop questioning your doctor and never lose hope. It really is so important for women to understand that the breast cancer journey does not stop after initial treatment. I would think that any woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and gone through her treatment regimen would want to take any necessary precautions to make sure the cancer does not return.

Q: If you could offer three tips to those doing everything they can to minimize the chances of their breast cancer coming back, what would they be?

BA: Knowledge, communication and support are the keys to staying on top of your health and minimizing the chances of your breast cancer coming back. Staying informed about new and existing treatment options and knowing which options you may be a candidate for are vital. So, communicate with your doctor.

By: Stacey Moore

Breast Enlargement & Breast Enhancement Options

Although each culture has its own idea of what is erotic and beautiful, in the United States and other western countries, as well as many other parts of the world, a woman's breasts are undoubtedly her most prized physical asset. One need only to turn on a television, go to the movies or flip open a magazine for proof that cleavage and breasts reign supreme in America, Europe and most of Asia.

Unfortunately, a very large number of women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts. This can be extremely frustrating, particularly because the shape of the breasts can be difficult to alter.

If a woman is unhappy with her legs, she can exercise and change her diet. If she is unhappy with her breasts however, she may feel that her options for changing them are out of her control. However, that is not true - today's women are in a position to take control and enhance both the size and the shape of their breasts.

There are basically two effective options available to women today for enlargement and enhancement of their breasts:

1. Breast Augmentation Surgery
2. Natural, Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills

Other methods, such as massaging with creams or gels and exercises, are not really effective and do not produce significant results by way of enhancement of the breasts.

Breast Enhancement through Surgery

When people think of breast enlargement today, they most often think of surgery. In the 1950s, they may have thought of exercise or push-up bras. In centuries past, they may have thought of herbs like fenugreek and hops flower when thinking of breast enhancement. Today, most women think of implants.

The most common implants these days, of course, are filled with saline. Years ago, implants were usually filled with silicone. Silicone is now considered by most doctors and patients to be too dangerous to use. If a saline implant bursts or leaks, the salt water will be absorbed into the body without great harm.

There are four different surgical options for inserting breast implants:

1. They can be inserted through incisions in the creases underneath the breasts.
2. They can be inserted through the skin in an incision made around the nipple.
3. The surgeon to make an incision near the armpits, and inserts the implants through that.
4. The newest and most expensive technique is endoscopic surgery. In this procedure, an endoscope enables the doctor to insert the implants through a tiny incision in the woman's belly button. That breast implants can be inserted through a woman's navel is amazing, but true.

Problems with Breast Enlargement Surgery

Despite the widespread prevalence of surgery as a means for breast enhancement, there is no denying that the results are often less than satisfactory. Not only do implants frequently leak, necessitating further surgery, but they often just don't look very good. Capsular contracture frequently sets in, squeezing the implant and resulting in a hard, fake-looking breast.

After breast enhancement surgery, some women experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast areas. Loss of sensation results from damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This loss of sensation may be temporary, but it can also be permanent. The surgical technique used plays a role in this factor.

Another disadvantage of breast augmentation surgery are the very high costs, together with the potential risks of any form of surgery.

Alternative Methods of Breast Enhancement - Natural Herbal Pills

Herbal breast enlargement options are now becoming more widely available, as women seek alternatives to surgery. A variety of natural breast development products can be found on the market, including pills, powder supplements, and creams.

The popular herbal breast enlargement solutions are mostly in pill form, making them both portable and easy to ingest. Women who have tried natural breast enhancements have reported that their breast size has increased by up to two full cup sizes. The most successful amongst such pills is Breast Gain Plus. Breast Gain Plus has recently introduced a comprehensive breast enhancement system, marketed as Breast Actives, comprising pills plus enhancement cream plus breast exercises. This combination has proven to be highly effective and fast acting.

Although initially met with skepticism, these pills are actually producing some excellent breast enlargement results in women. There is a reason for their increasing in popularity and recognition - they work, and they work well on most women.

Of course, there are still many skeptics and disbelievers who refuse to accept that any pill can enlarge a person's breasts. They are the ones that say only surgery can enlarge the female (or male) breast. While a degree of skepticism is understandable, it is outdated.

The reality is that there thousands of women out there who have successfully enlarged their breasts anywhere from half to two cup sizes (and even more in some cases), by using a breast enhancement pill.

The key to success is finding the right pill with the right blend of herbal ingredients - such as Breast Actives .

Modern Breast Enlargement Pills

Today's breast enhancement pills use sound science, along with some ancient ingredients, to help enlarge and enhance women's breasts naturally, without side effects. They are much less expensive than surgery, as well as being much safer.

These pills are usually made of non-hormonal plant estrogen, or phytoestrogen. The phytoestrogen activates the prostaglandins in the woman's breasts. Prostaglandins, first discovered in the 1930s by Swedish scientist Ulf von Euler, regulate and communicate with glands. The phytoestrogens encourage breast gland growth, similar to the growth which naturally occurs during puberty.

Herbal breast enhancement can really be an excellent natural, non-surgical option for women desiring breast enlargement. Not only that, the pills can help put some extra padding on women who currently do have implants, to create a more natural look, feel and contour.

If you are one of the several thousands of women worldwide who are unhappy about the size and/or shape of their breasts, today you have a real non-surgical option available - Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus

By: Michelle Rodrigues

Michelle Rodrigues has been researching breast enhancement methods, both surgical and non- surgical, for the last 3 years. For information and details about non-surgical breast enhancement, please visit Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Do Natural Breast Enlargement Pills Really Work?

Both men and women prefer bigger breasts, that’s no longer an issue. Unfortunately, many women are unsatisfied with the breasts they currently have. The issue that is facing them now is, how can a woman enlarge her breasts without painful and risky surgery… which leads us to the question, “Do natural breast enlargement pills really work?”

As I mentioned, surgery is risky, despite the fact that it will give you the increase in the size of the breasts. Most women don’t like the idea of having to go under the “knife,” then the idea of having some kind of foreign object under their breasts.

Fortunately, there are now other alternative, natural ways of enhancing the breasts that have been put to the test by thousands of women around the world. This article is going to be looking into these natural breast enlargement pills.

All of these alternative natural ways of enhancing the breast to make them larger, and/or fuller, include the use of supplements or pills that are herbal, or certain suction devices that are put on over the breasts and worn for a period of time. There is also a hypnosis alternative, and many others.

It seems despite all these solutions, the most popular method of enhancing the breast is the use of natural breast enlargement pills. These pills are now being made and engineered and offered by breast enhancement companies that are making a fortune selling to the thousands of women worldwide who seek to improve the size of their breasts.

Now, do these natural breast enlargement pills really work is what you must be wondering… Many women who have taken any of these type of natural breast enlargement pills on the market right now have been complaining that they see no results after months of use. On the other side, there are a few who have actually seen results, although they may not be as satisfied as they had originally hoped.

To answer the question that you’re waiting to hear, the answer is yes. The truth is that yes, it is possible that using certain natural breast enlargement pills you can enlarge your breasts size without painful surgery. I am absolutely confident about this, as I’ve seen it time and time again. I have proof that no one can deny from dozens of women who have succeeded in taking these types of breast enlargement products.

Please don’t misunderstand me… there are plenty of products on the market that are just plain junk. “Buyer Beware” when it comes down to many of these supplements. A lot of these products actually do contain ingredients that do promote natural breast enlargement, however it’s the formula that’s in it that does not blend well with the body.

That is one of the reasons why it works well for some females but don't work quite so well for others.

That’s a big reason why a lot of females don’t buy the breast enlargement products from these companies… their thinking is really simple to understand…

Why would they buy a bottle of a natural breast enlargement pill that contains a poor blend of the ingredients for a couple hundred bucks when they can buy the more concentrated ones for as little a fifty bucks?

With that said, the next big question that is heavy on your mind is “Will this solution work for me?”

The honest truth is, with any kind natural breast enlargement pills you can never be absolute certain to 100% unless you give it a shot. What works for someone, may not work for the other. But how will you ever know if you don’t give it a shot?

Really, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain from it.

So, in closing, do the proper research prior to choosing what natural breast enlargement pills you’re going to go with. There’s a ton of free information on the internet right now that can help you out. Much of it is well thought out information that will aid you in your quest for natural breast enlargement.

By: Shanna Sullivan -

Article Directory:

Shanna Sullivan is an avid studier of breast enhancement pills and supplements. For more details on her most recommended products check out her website. Natural breast enlargement pills and resources can be seen here.